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How to Register Your Dog as a Service Dog

A service dog can significantly improve a person’s quality of life. Not only do they fulfill specific tasks for individuals with physical or mental health conditions, but they also provide companionship and security.
In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about qualifying for a service dog, why you should register a service dog, and how to make it happen.
Table of contents
- Who qualifies for a service dog?
- What are the benefits of registering my service dog?
- Is it legally required to register my service dog?
- How do I choose a reputable service dog registration organization?
- How to Register Your Dog as a Service Dog
- Do I have to divulge medical information during registration?
- How can third parties verify my service dog?
Who qualifies for a service dog?
To see if you can get a service dog, you need to check if you meet a couple of important conditions:
- You have an ADA-eligible condition: This means you have a physical or mental condition that makes everyday activity, like walking, talking, working, or learning, much harder for you.
- A service dog must directly help with your specific disability: Service dogs are like full-time personal assistants trained to do special tasks that help manage your condition and keep you safe.
Service dogs can be your eyes if you can’t see well, your ears if you can’t hear, or even help you stay steady if you have trouble getting around.
If you have a psychiatric condition, service dogs can be trained to know when you’re in distress and comfort you, retrieve your medication, calm your panic attacks, or nudge you out of dissociative spells. The jobs that service dogs do for their handlers are endless!
What are the benefits of registering my service dog?
There are many reasons to register a service dog and obtain an associated ID card and other service dog paraphernalia:
- Public Acceptance: Having a registered service dog with an ID card can make it easier for the public to understand and accept your dog’s presence in public spaces. People are more likely to respect and accommodate a service dog that appears to be properly registered and identified.
- Emergency Situations: In the event of an emergency, a service dog ID card and other accessories can let emergency workers know you have a service dog. This can help first responders and medical personnel understand the importance of keeping you and your service dog together.
- Travel Convenience: If you plan on traveling with your service dog, having a registered service dog ID card, vests, and tags can make the process smoother.
- Commemoration: After the hard work of successfully training a dog, many service dog handlers like to mark the accomplishment with a certificate, registration, or vest for their service dog. Registering your service dog can also serve as proof that your dog has undergone the necessary training to perform specific tasks related to your disability.
- Confrontation avoidance: Perhaps one of the most aggravating requests that service dog owners face is the demand for ID cards and registrations from uninformed third parties. Rather than teaching every inquirer about proper ADA rules, many service dog owners prefer to provide immediate visual notice of their dog’s status and bypass any disagreements.
- Convenience: Having immediate and tangible information about your service dog’s status, others are less likely to question your dog’s presence. Registration allows you—and your service dog—to go about your tasks with fewer interruptions. Your disability, and your dog’s services, can remain your own business.
While registration is not a legal requirement in some countries, including the United States, having a registered service dog and an ID card can make life significantly easier for you and your service dog. It can provide peace of mind and make navigating public spaces a more positive experience.

Is it legally required to register my service dog?
Many venues, landlords, and airport staff sometimes ask to see registration documents for service dogs. Their request is somewhat misguided, as registration documents are not a prerequisite for having a service dog.
Registering a service dog can have several benefits, but you can’t be denied entry because you don’t have them. However, many service dog handlers find it helpful to have these documents to present when asked for them.
How do I choose a reputable service dog registration organization?
When registering your service dog, you have many options; some are much better than others.
There are sites you should be wary of. For example, any site that promises you that registering a dog will qualify it as a service dog (or conveniently forgets to mention that’s not the case).
ServiceDogCertifications.org educates the public about proper service dog rights and advocates for true service dog owners. Their database is reserved exclusively for individuals that can confirm they meet service dog registration requirements.
Service Dog Certification’s ID cards and tags are recognized worldwide as a mark for genuine service dogs. If you’re looking to register your service dog, there is no better way to go.
How to Register Your Dog as a Service Dog
- Input the name of your service dog.
Enter the name the service dog typically responds to.
- Input the name of the service dog handler.
The handler would be the name of the person who the dog performs tasks for.
- Upload a picture of your service dog.
Choose a photo that is clear and provides an accurate representation of your dog. The photo is optional, but most service dog handlers prefer to include it. It’s helpful to have an ID card with an actual picture of the dog on it during public encounters.
- Select other optional accessories.
In addition to the ID card, you can add other equipment like vests, tags, and certificates.

Do I have to divulge medical information during registration?
No, registering your service dog with Service Dog Certifications does not require you to divulge private medical information. In fact, disability laws specifically prohibit this. No one can demand that you reveal your exact condition and specific details about your medical or mental health history.
How can third parties verify my service dog?
Service dog verification under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) comes down to a couple of things.
If it’s evident that a person is disabled and needs their service dog, these handlers can’t be badgered with questions and requests for documents.
If it’s not apparent why the person needs the dog, third parties can rightfully ask two questions:
- Is the dog a service dog required for a disability?
- What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?
Staff at venues, landlords, and other individuals can choose to rely on ID cards or certificates, but they don’t have to. They cannot ban a service dog if the handler does not have these items but can answer the above two questions.
Order your Service Dog ID
Service Dog Identification
Avoid Confusion with a Service Dog ID and Registration
Registering your service dog with Service Dog Certifications provides you with an identification card and 24/7 access to our Service Dog Registry. Your Service Dog ID card will have your registration number listed so that a third party can look up your service dog’s information at any time.
An ID card for a service dog can be helpful as it provides a quick and easy way to communicate the dog’s status to others, potentially reducing misunderstandings or challenges in public places like stores, hotels or restaurants. However, always keep in mind that the Americans with Disabilities Act does not require service animals to have any form of identification, and their access rights are not contingent upon possessing an ID.
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About the Author: The writing team at Service Dog Certifications is made up of folks who really know their stuff when it comes to disability laws and assistance animals. Many of our writers and editors have service dogs themselves and share insights from their own experiences. All of us have a passion for disability rights and animals.
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that would be a Emotional support service dog. i know how you fell so do i
I have a significant hearing loss and need my dog for at night when I’m home and not wearing my hearing aids. I would not be able to hear the fire alarm while asleep with more than 65db of sound missing. I’m getting my dog at 3mo old and the primary training of house potty training, sit, heal etc will be done when I get him. I will have to do the training for the sounds in my home once he gets here. Can I register him as soon as I get him home or do I need to wait until the 6mo?
A dog should be 6mo and have outlived the puppy age in order to be a service dog. But more importantly, your dog will have to complete the task training that helps with your hearing loss before you can register. A dog that does not fully master the needed tasks and a public access test is not a service dog yet. Best of luck with your puppy!
Can I use service dog for Arthritis
If arthritis prevents you from fulfilling daily tasks you may qualify for a service dog. You just need to figure out what tasks your service dog could assist you with and start the training accordingly. You may find this article on disabilities that qualify for a service dog interesting: https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/disabilities-qualify-service-dog/
How old does the dog have to be to register as a service dog?
The dog should be at least 6 months old and have outlived the puppy age. However, if the dog is eager to learn, the training can start at any age. You may find this article on service dog requirements interesting https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/service-dog-requirements/
Can l flight in cabin with my dog with this certification ? I could flight in cabin with my emocional service dog by end of last year.
Now all airline can not accept emotional service dog flight with me in cabin. Only they request service dog
I have to flight Costa Rica to NYC on end of April
My dog is 18 pound , she can not fit the airline size of carry bag
Please let me know
Thank you
Service dogs do have full access rights and can fly in the cabin with their handlers. However, an ESA doesn’t simply switch to become a service dog. Service dogs need extensive training to fulfill a task that you yourself cannot complete due to your disability. This training usually takes months or years to complete. And once your service dog is trained, it cannot leave your side as it has become a part of your daily life. You may find this article on how to make your dog a service dog interesting: https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/how-to-make-my-dog-a-service-dog/
I don’t need a service dog. What I need is a companion dog, to help ease my anxiety out in the public. I get really stressed shopping or out in public. I sometimes have panic attacks and hyperventilate. My little dog helps me so much with it all. She is my love bug.