Who Can Get a Psychiatric Assistance Dog
You’re probably familiar with service dogs that assist people with physical challenges, like guide dogs for people with vision impairments. They’re easy to spot because their handlers typically have noticeable disabilities. However, some service animals work with people who have invisible disabilities. One example is a psychiatric assistance dog. You might wonder, “What’s a psychiatric assistance […]

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How to Fly with a Service Dog on United Airlines
United Airlines offers customers the most comprehensive network of worldwide routes. They also include one-stop or no-stop flights to and from anywhere in the United States. With hubs inside the four largest U.S. cities, it’s no wonder that United Airlines leads the airline industry. If you’re planning on booking a flight, United Airlines is probably […]

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Can I Train My Own Psychiatric Service Dog?
Disorders and disabilities affect every individual in unique ways. Each situation is unique depending on the person’s health status, needs, lifestyle, and environment. For psychiatric conditions, these factors are even more apparent, and every person’s case is distinctive. How a psychiatric illness affects life is different for each individual. Therefore, psychiatric service dogs can be […]

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