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Emotional Support Animal Laws

We call them man’s best friend. Dogs, cats, and other animals are essential to many of our emotional and psychological needs. Why? These furry companions have been around for centuries as humankind’s most loyal and often closest companions.
So it’s not surprising that many of us now rely on emotional support animals (ESA) for our mental health needs. One of the challenges ESA owners face is misinformation about ESAs. Below is a summary of emotional support animal laws to better understand your rights.
Overview: Emotional Support Animal vs Service Dog
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Emotional Support Animal access to public places
Not quite service animals: Emotional support animals do not have the same legal rights as service dogs. As mentioned, service dogs are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The broad public access rights for assistance animals under the ADA only extend to service dogs that are individually trained to perform tasks to benefit an individual with a disability.
Due to this distinction, your emotional support animal is not protected by the ADA. Service dogs are allowed access to all public places, such as stores, movie theaters, hospitals, and restaurants. On the other hand, emotional support animals are allowed access only to residences (including buildings with no-pet policies) and on select airlines.
Please keep in mind that although ESAs do not need any special training, they still need to be well-behaved and should have the ability to follow basic commands.
What laws protect Emotional Support Animals?
For housing, the law is still on your side. Although emotional support animals do not have the same access rights as service dogs under ADA, they are protected under the Fair Housing Act (FHA).
If you meet the criteria for ESA qualification under the FHA, you are entitled to live with your emotional support animal free of charge and deposits, even if your building doesn’t allow pets. The FHA also prevents housing providers from imposing breed and weight restrictions on your ESA.
Many state laws mostly mirror the FHA, providing additional protection against discrimination for ESA owners. Housing providers are required to provide reasonable accommodations for ESA owners so they can have equal opportunities to use and enjoy their residence.
Air travel is a different story. Until recently, emotional support animals also enjoyed the right to fly with their ESA in the cabin under the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA). However, due to regulatory changes in January 2021, airlines are no longer required to accommodate emotional support animals (although a few airlines still have programs that allow them).
Meanwhile, psychiatric service dogs (PSDs) are still allowed to fly on planes free of charge. A PSD is a type of service dog that performs tasks relating to an owner’s psychological or intellectual disability. Under the ADA and ACAA, PSDs have the same rights as service dogs that perform tasks for the physically disabled. To learn more about how to fly with a psychiatric service dog, please click on this link for a complete guide.
How do I make my pet into a legitimate Emotional Support Animal?
To qualify for an emotional support animal, you need to obtain an ESA letter from a licensed healthcare professional, such as a therapist. The licensed healthcare professional will assess whether you have a qualifying condition and whether an ESA would help improve the symptoms of your condition. Any licensed healthcare professional can issue an ESA letter, but many are not aware of the benefits of ESAs or familiar with how to write an ESA letter.
If your current healthcare provider is unfamiliar with ESAs (or is unwilling to issue an ESA letter), or if you don’t have anyone you’re currently seeing, ESA Doctors can help. ESA Doctors is a caring and reputable service that has operated since 2015 and can connect you to a licensed ESA specialist. Just click on the link below to get started.
About the Author: The writing team at Service Dog Certifications is made up of folks who really know their stuff when it comes to disability laws and assistance animals. Many of our writers and editors have service dogs themselves and share insights from their own experiences. All of us have a passion for disability rights and animals.
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Are emotional support dogs required to wear any type of identification i.e. a coat stating this fact? In my strata, a resident received approval, along with the necessary medical approval, to have an over-sized dog, based on the Strata by-laws. No problem. Initially the dog was wearing a ‘coat’ stating that it was a support animal, but the owner has also moved the animal through the building without the coat.
All owners know the stipulation about the size, or height of dogs allowed in the building, so we want to confirm for them the reason for this particular dog being in the building. The wearing of the coat would eliminate any potential problems.
Do you agree, and can we request, or insist, on the wearing of the coat.
Michael Rouch
There are no laws or requirements for an ESA to wear a vest. The only requirement is that the ESA owner can provide a legitimate ESA letter from a verifiable therapist who is licensed in the state of residence. You may find this article on the landlords’ rights for emotional support animals interesting https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/landlord-rights-emotional-support-animals/
Sara my take on this would be yes they are breaking the law BUT I am not a lawyer so I would suggest contacting a lawyer that knows the in/outs of this branch of the law. If cost is factor you can file a lawsuit that says the losing party pays both parties legal costs filing fees court costs etc(the lawyer will be able to walk you through this) Most lawyers will not charge for the first meeting where he or she will hear your side of things & should be able to tell you if you have a case or not(most lawyers will not take a case unless they feel they can win it)
Animal control took my ESA and is now charging me to get her back, my landlord called them on her, we’re in the middle of moving, can either of them do this? My anxiety attacks haven’t stopped since we found out they took her 🥺
They violated the law if you doctor issued a letter for you to have your animal. The ADA in Washington has lawyers to help if you rites,under the ADA has been violated in any way.
Can I have an ES dog on a part-time basis, e.g. weekdays? I would like and believe I would qualify for an ESA and have a relationship with my son’s dog who lives in the neighborhood. He has agreed to let the dog spend week-days with me if I can get the needed permission from my condo board. It would be great for me, and advantageous for both the dog and my son as well. I’d get the emotional support benefits with fewer of the burdens of full-time care, and the arrangement would have less of an impact on the condo community. What is the best way to accomplish this?
Simply a statement from your primary care provider that you require the assistance of a emotional support animal is all the law requires. Then ask you landlord for a reasonable accommodation to keep the animal when you deliver them the doctors letter. Hey cannot say what says you can or cannot have your animal after this point. Hope this helps. Im a trainer of service animals and very familiar with the laws. God bless…..
Can esa be trained for military and service or is it against the law to train an esa for tatical and service animals