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Can CATS Be Service Animals?
Having a cat brings the same positive effects as dogs. These pets can be equally beneficial to a person’s health. Experts have proven that cat owners are less likely to have a health emergency, such as a heart attack, with their feline companion around and cats have also been proven to help alleviate sleeping disorders, high blood pressure and other health problems.
But can cats be trained to work just like service dogs do? Are they extended the same adjustments as service dogs?
The law on service animals has been established for years and recognizes dogs as the most common provider. The provisions in the 2008 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) stated: “The term service animal includes individually trained animals that do work or perform tasks for the benefit of individuals with disabilities, including psychiatric, cognitive, and mental disabilities. The term service animal does not include wild animals (including nonhuman primates born in captivity), reptiles, rabbits, farm animals (including a pony, pig, or goat), ferrets, amphibians, and rodents. Animals whose sole function is to provide emotional support, comfort, therapy, companionship, therapeutic benefits, or to promote emotional well-being are not service animals.”
However, on March 15, 2011, the ADA amended this provision to certify that dogs are the only recognized service animals (see amendments here) so as to prevent confusions from the public. So, where does this leave cats? Why are there people having cats as their service animals?
Can cats be service animals?
No, but cats can qualify as emotional support animals if you have doctor write a letter for an emotional support animal. Emotional support animals can fly in the cabin of an aircraft and can live in “no pets” apartments, but they do not have the same level of access as service animals and cannot be taken everywhere service dogs are allowed. In this case, cats cannot be extended the same acknowledgement as service dogs.
However, certain establishments might be willing to make adjustments and could make exceptions on a case to case basis for cat owners. It’s best to check with management before bringing the cat to their premises to avoid any untoward incidence.
Looking to Certify your Cat as an ESA Online?
About the Author: The writing team at Service Dog Certifications is made up of folks who really know their stuff when it comes to disability laws and assistance animals. Many of our writers and editors have service dogs themselves and share insights from their own experiences. All of us have a passion for disability rights and animals.
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Yes. You are absolutely right! Cats are lovable creations of god and it a source of smile for the owner. They Bring lot of things from the backyard but Bings Health is such an amazing thing for me. Great Article. I love the way you narrate.
It doesn’t bother me if someone brings a pet into a store whether it is a grocery store or something like Walmart. They would behave better that a child and not go crazy. I think humans have more germs than animals.
Such an informative article! I spoke with a woman in a Walmart with an adorable Pomeranian trained to sense if her blood sugar got too low. I wondered if cats could be service animals, to her knowledge, cats cannot be trained the way dogs can. One of my cats is oblivious to everything, the other cat can fetch, dance atop stereo speakers, and sometimes meows things that sound like sentences. I am doubtful that he could manage a lot of other responsibilities, plus when a cat starts running, good luck catching up especially to high places! Now I know why cats could be allowed in a no pet apartment complex. Once I was booking hotel reservations and, a lady wanted to know if we allow dogs, I replied yes, we do allow pets, but the reason she wanted to know was because she was bringing her cat that was allergic to dog fur. What protection do allergy sufferers have from these service animals?
My cat recently turned 2 years old and she has woken me up in the middle of the night multiple times when i was on the verge of an asthma attack, she wakes me up from nightmares too, personally i think cats should be qualified to act as a service pet, they help us out don’t they?
My cat predicted my last 3 seizures, which are NOT Grand Mal but a rare type of seizures that can kill. I am in the process of having her certified as a service animal, NOT emotional support, for that reason. So there ARE exceptions. California is training cats for that very purpose right now so laws are about to change again. My cat just happens to pick up on chemical changes in my body on her own & started telling me about 2mins before a seizure after almost 7 years of ownership. She is 8 now. She IS an exception mostly because aside from hospital stays, she’s been with me 24/7 since the day she was born. So she’s not phased by loud noises, be is traffic or others, walks on a leash like a dog, rides the shopping carts in stores or a baby stroller in summer (hot asphalt). So she is ideal as a true service animal, but as you can see, it required a lot of time & love investment from my part. It just happened to unexpectedly pay off for my health, which icing on the cake. There are ALWAYS exceptions… & airlines do recognize them even now…quietly. The animal’s behavior is a big part. Along with the belief system of the employees at hand. Until the law changes soon, we are stuck with that, so if she can’t go somewhere, I don’t go either. My life depends on it…
yes that may be the case but service animal or not they should never be allowed in a food grocery store as the owners and public alike pet the animals then go and handle produce items that are not sealed someway.
And exactly what germs do you think they have!?! Far less than the average snotty nosed child! And far less than the mother that has just changed her kids diaper and didn’t wash her hands!
Had animals for years! The only time I get sick is when I babysit neighbors kids!
Bravo Nancy! this is an excellent point! Otherwise healthy animals are rarely more contagious than a sick human being, or even a healthy one for that matter.
Service animals are medical aids, you wouldn’t tell someone to leave their oxygen tank at home would you?
Cats can be trained as a service animal. They are very intelligent animals, and they can perform many of the tasks that service dogs can. I’m training my 15 week old kitten to be a medical cat for me. He’s learning to carry a harness with side pockets, and he’s doing really well!
Thats… why you’re not supposed to pet service animals? How else is the person supposed to go shopping? Just stay home all the time?
How can i get my cats as theraputic animals
Actually no. Almost all people I know that have service dogs, are very adamant about people NOT petting their dogs in public, because they are WORKING, and they don’t want them distracted. My boy-friend has a service dog, and the first few times we went out, he corrected me on trying to pet him while we were out. And this is pretty much the norm with most other service dog handlers. If you see a service dog and ask the handler if you can pet him, the majority of the time the answer will be “no, he’s working”.
You’re actually not supposed to pet any service animal while they are working with their owner in public.