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How Can I Get My Dog to Be a Registered Service Dog?

Interested in registering your dog to be a service dog? You may be surprised by what that actually entails. In this article, we’ll explore how you can register a service dog, as well as the reasons why you should or shouldn’t spend the money to do it.
The big picture: A service dog is a type of legally recognized assistance animal that is trained to perform specific tasks for people with physical or mental health impairments. The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person’s disability. These tasks include opening doors, retrieving items, responding to an emergency situation, guiding the handler through busy crowds or traffic, and providing pressure therapy during mental health crises.
Psychiatric service: Service dogs that help with mental, intellectual, sensory, or psychiatric health conditions are called psychiatric service dogs. For example, there are service dogs trained to help people with debilitating depression or at risk of panic attacks. If the dog has been trained to sense that an anxiety attack is about to happen and take a specific action to help avoid the attack or lessen its impact, that would qualify as a service animal. However, if the dog’s mere presence provides comfort, that would not be considered a service animal under the ADA.
Below is a quick summary of how to register your Service Dog:
- Step 1 – Confirm you have a qualifying disability
To own a service dog, you must have a physical or mental health impairment that substantially limits a major life activity like the ability to work, socialize, or go to school. This is the ADA (federal standard). CA standard is less strict, “disability is a mental or physical impairment that limits a significant life activity”. A licensed healthcare professional can assess your condition and, for psychiatric issues, write a PSD letter.
- Step 2 – Train your service dog
A service dog must be individually trained to perform a task or job related to your disability. Here is a link to various tasks a service dog can perform.
- Step 3 – Take a public access test
A service dog must also be trained to perform its duties in public environments. Service dogs have public access rights, so they are expected to be well-behaved and under their handler’s control at all times. Service dog owners can test whether their dog is ready by taking a public access test.
- Step 4 – Register your service dog
After you have qualified for a service dog, you can choose to register your dog on a registry like Service Dog Certifications. You are not required to register your service dog but many handlers choose to do so for certain benefits. Most handlers prefer having identifiers like a service dog identification card, tags, or vests to clearly signal their dog is an assistance animal to avoid unnecessary confrontations.
Registering your Service Dog
Although it is not a legal requirement, registering your Service Dog can help eliminate the confusion in public places that don’t allow dogs. You can do this through a private organization like Service Dog Certifications. Although not legally required, you can also obtain a letter from your doctor stating your disability and a health certificate from your canine’s veterinarian stating they are in good health. Owners of psychiatric service dogs, for example, frequently obtain PSD letters to document their condition.
Why you should register your service dog. Registering your service dog enters your service dog into a searchable database. Organizations like Service Dog Certifications can issue an ID card linked to this record.
Registrations, certifications, ID cards, tags, and vests all fall under the category of service dog paraphernalia. Service dog handlers use these tools to visibly signal that their dog is on duty and avoid unpleasant interactions with people who may not be aware.
In addition, while third parties are not allowed to demand documents like ID cards and certificates, service dog handlers can attest that people do so anyway. Whether at a store, an airport, a library, or a restaurant, service dog handlers are frequently harassed for service dog identification documents. Rather than engage in a lengthy legal conversation with every passerby, service dog handlers opt to simply have these documents handy for convenience.
Obtaining a registration ID for your service dog is a painless way to peacefully go about your day in public while minimizing intrusive inquiries.
Why you shouldn’t register your service dog. You should not register your service dog if you have not yet fully qualified for a service dog. For example, if you have not yet confirmed you have a qualifying disability or fully trained your service dog, you cannot register your service dog.
You should not register your service dog solely if you think it’s legally required. There are many good reasons to register your service dog, but it is not mandatory for owning a service dog.
Finally, you should absolutely never register a service dog as a shortcut. A service dog handler is always responsible for verbally self-certifying that their dog is fully qualified as a service animal, and registration cannot get around that responsibility.
Traveling with your Service Dog in busy public places
Public access: The main reason service dog handlers use registries, certifications, ID cards, tags, and vests is for ease of public access. Service dogs have the right to enter public places normally closed off to pets. with some exceptions. The ADA does not require covered entities to modify policies, practices, or procedures if it would “fundamentally alter” the nature of the goods, services, programs, or activities provided to the public. Nor does it overrule legitimate safety requirements. If admitting service animals would fundamentally alter the nature of a service or program, service animals may be prohibited. In addition, if a particular service animal is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it, or if it is not housebroken, that animal may be excluded.
Business establishments, public venues, and landlords must accommodate all service dogs without any charge or presentation of documentation. Service dogs also have the right to live in residential buildings that prohibit dogs.
Handlers often choose to meet these demands and to have identifiers, so others don’t question their dogs’ presence or pet their animals while the dogs are working. An ID card or vest can be very helpful in deterring people from inappropriately approaching a service dog. However, all service dog owners should be aware that there is only one ADA-approved way to verify a service dog. Staff at an establishment and landlords can ask two verbal questions if the handler’s disability is not obvious: 1. Is the dog a service dog required for a disability? and 2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform? Staff cannot ask about the person’s disability, require medical documentation, require a special identification card or training documentation for the dog, or ask that the dog demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task.
Final thoughts
If you are considering registering your service dog, go with an organization like Service Dog Certifications (SDC). We keep a secure database of service dogs for handlers who have chosen to register their dog linked to an ID card.
SDC is a leading provider to responsible service dog handlers who need accessories like ID cards, tags, and vests to avoid public confrontations and hassle. Service dog handlers nationwide trust Service Dog Certifications when it comes to purchasing their service dog accessories because of their reliability and compliance with service dog standards.
About the Author: The writing team at Service Dog Certifications is made up of folks who really know their stuff when it comes to disability laws and assistance animals. Many of our writers and editors have service dogs themselves and share insights from their own experiences. All of us have a passion for disability rights and animals.
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Hi my name is Martha I have a dog name Jack. We have had Jack for almost 3 yrs, I am a older lady with a slight hearing & breathing disability how can I have Jack registered as a service dog for my hearing please reply back.
Thank You
Martha & Jack
You may talk to your doctor if a service dog is beneficial to your disability and find out what kind of tasks Jack can perform to make your life easier. Once you have defined the tasks, you need to train Jack to master those tasks and pass a public access test. You can train your dog yourself or send him to a trainer; both options are acceptable. Once the training is complete and Jack can perform the tasks in all situations, you have a fully certified service dog. Registrations are not required by law, but some service dog owners find it comforting and easier to confront others with a service dog registration or ID at hand. You may find this article on how to certify a service dog interesting: https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/how-to-certify-a-service-dog/ Wishing you and Jack all the best!
I’ve had dogs all my life, well over 50 years, and am highly experienced in proper/formal training. A couple years ago I suffered a severe back injury and as a result am disabled. I’m currently training two dogs with the basic obedience and leash training, including not being distracted by other dogs/animals etc. I would like to register one as a service dog to help me, as for instance, I have trouble bending over to pick things up, etc. My question is what would be the proper category to register it as?
You do not need to register a service dog. Registering a service dog is a completely optional step. If your dog is properly trained to assist with a qualifying disability, it is considered a service dog without the need for documentation.
Can my dog, who is already registered as an ESA, become a Service Dog as well if I get the right training her properly. I’m starting her off young as to what people say to do. I want my dog to help me with my anxiety because of my illness. And also be able to help me with tasks such as retrieving items if I drop them, alert others if there is an emergency and help me if i were to fall. This is my goal because of my illness, I can’t do the same things i use to do. I’m just afraid that being alone something happens like I collapse or get hurt doing something my dog can alert help. Or if I go dog a walk, and I fall she can run and get help as well)and it has happened too) I like to stay active with my PT and she will be trained to do so…
It is possible for an ESA to transition into a service dog if your dog has the capability to learn and perform the tasks that you need. From what you wrote, it seems that your dog is very much able to do so! Just be aware that your dog’s training must be fully complete in order to obtain the service dog status. You may find this article on how to train a psychiatric service dog interesting https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/how-to-train-a-psychiatric-service-dog/
My dog is well mandar and I need to know how much to make her ad service dog
The cost really depends on how you will train her — if you seek help from a professional or do the training yourself. You may find this article on how much it costs to train a service dog interesting: https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/how-much-does-it-cost-to-train-a-service-dog/
How do I train my dog to become a service dog so she can fly on airplane with me?
Your dog needs to be fully trained and able to complete task(s) that you yourself cannot complete in times of need. First, identify the tasks a dog can complete, then evaluate if your dog is potentially able to complete those tasks (strength- and size-wise). Then start the training. Once your dog can perform all tasks needed, it will be a service dog and eligible to go anywhere with you and you may register your service dog. You may find this article on the basics of service dog training interesting: https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/service-dog-training-guide-the-basics/