Archive for the ‘News’ Category
To bring awareness to the cruelty of dog fighting, the ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) has designated April 8th as the “National Dog Fighting Awareness Day. In an effort to take action and stop the cruelty of dog fighting, the ASPCA asks that you use the hashtag #NDFAD.
Dog fighting is considered a felony in every state, but the problem continues to be popular in underground dog fighting rings. Owners train their loving and loyal animals to kill other dogs for the entertainment of a disgusting audience. Let’s help put a stop to this horrible act and let others know that we will not stand for any kind of animal abuse.
Although a single symptom may not be indicative of cancer, being cautious and aware is important. Thank you for the great infographic.
11 Signs of Cancer in Dogs
11 Possible signs of cancer in dogs:
Straining to poop/thin, ribbon like stools Lethargy or no appetite Any new bumps or lumps Drainage or odor from ears (note: this is also very common with ear infections) Runny nose, especially a bloody nose Unusually foul breath & excessive drooling Increased thirst and urination Diarrhea / Vomiting Change ins shape, size, or feel of an existing lump Limping/change in gait Difficulty urinating and/or blood in urine (note: also very common with urinary tract infections)You know your dog best, so if he or she is exhibiting symptoms that are not normal, please contact your vet.