Archive for the ‘Service Dog Tips’ Category
Uber is working to make catching a ride easier, safer, and always a five-star experience. They connect the rider with affordable transportation anytime, anywhere, all at a tap of a button. You can also see your driver’s contact information and the vehicle’s details in the app, so you will always know you’re getting into the right car.
This company is working towards making the most affordable and pleasant experience they can when it comes to using this type of transportation, and that includes working with those folks that need a Service Animal.
In this post, we will cover Uber’s Service Animal policies in both the United States and Canada, so that you can ride in style and with peace-of-mind.
Does Uber Allow Service Animals?US and Canada Uber drivers must allow service animals in their vehicles. If you experience discrimination, please contact Uber customer service.
In both the United States and Canada, Uber does allow Service Animals into their vehicles. However, be aware of their definition of “service.”
According to Uber’s website, a Service Animal is one that assists the person with a disability that is both visible and nonvisible.
What Are the Uber Rules in the United States Regarding Service Animals?Uber in the United States does allow Service Animals in their vehicles as both state and Federal laws prevent the discrimination against these working animals.
In the US, Uber defines a Service Animal as one that is trained to perform tasks for an individual with a disability.
There are only two questions a driver may ask the disabled individual to confirm his/her need for the Service Animal;
1. Is the animal required because of a disability? 2. What work or task has the animal been trained to perform?Note: The driver-partner may not request that the rider present documentation proving that the rider’s animal is a Service Animal. In the United States, there is also no requirement that a Service Animal must wear a tag, be registered, or display any proof that it is a Service Animal.
If you require a Service Animal and are refused entry to an Uber due to having one, the driver-partner will be permanently banned from using the Driver app.
There are also no cleaning fees charged for the shedding of a Service Animal or the first and second reported incidences of its bodily fluids. However, you may be charged a cleaning fee for the third reported incident of bodily fluids emitted by your Service Animal.
What Are the Uber Rules in Canada Regarding Service Animals?If your Uber driver does not accept your Service Animal, you can contact Uber’s customer service.
There are two ways that Uber will qualify an animal as a Service Animal in Canada;
1. The animal is easily identified as a service animal. For example, it is wearing a service vest or harness and is helping the individual. 2. The person may also present documentation confirming the animal is a Service Animal. This could be in the form of a letter from a health professional stating that the animal is needed due to a disability, a government-issued Service-Animal card, or, in Quebec, a certificate from a Service-Animal training school.Note: In Canada, a driver may ask to see this documentation.
Canadian laws prohibit Uber driver-partners using the Driver App from discriminating against riders with Service Animals.
If a driver refuses to give the rider service due to a Service Animal, it is considered to be a discriminatory act, and they will lose their ability to use the Driver app.; as explained in Uber’s Non-Discrimination Policy,
“Riders cannot be charged cleaning fees for shedding by their service animals. Riders will be refunded any cleaning fees charged for shedding by their service animals.
A rider will not be charged for the first or second reported mess involving a service animal’s bodily fluids. A rider can be charged for the third reported mess involving a service animal’s bodily fluids. The rider may contest that such a mess occurred by responding to the fee notification email to notify customer support.”
Riding With “Non-Service” AnimalsThe definition of “Service Animal” within the Uber policy is well-defined. Therefore an Emotional Support Animal would not fall under this definition. According to their website, when riding with “non-service” animals they suggest it’s good practice to contact the driver who accepts your ride request. Using your app, send a text message or call to let the driver know you’d like to bring a pet.
They also suggest you bring a crate or blanket to help reduce the risk of damage or mess. Some drivers may keep a blanket in the trunk.
Both the United States and Canada will accept the Service Animal in the Uber, but both regions also have their requirements; this is especially important to know if you are traveling from one country to the next. Know your rights when it comes to bringing your Service Animal in an Uber and plan accordingly.
If your landlord or an employee at a store asks if your service dog is certified, what exactly does that mean? What precisely do you need to prove you own an actual service dog?
In this guide, we’ll explore 5 things to consider about getting a certified service dog so you can confidently answer if someone asks about your service dog.
#1 – Do you qualify for a service dog? Service dogs can help people with many different types of disabilities.Service dogs can be incredible companions and helpers for individuals with various disabilities. Here’s a quick rundown of the qualifying criteria for a service dog:
Having a disability: To be eligible for a service dog, a person must have a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability that significantly impacts one or more major life activities. Requiring assistance related to the disability: The individual needs to benefit from tasks specific to their disability that a service dog could perform.How do you know if you have a qualifying disability? Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (commonly known as the “ADA”), your condition must be severe enough that it substantially limits a major life activity. If you have a mental health issue and are unsure if you qualify, a PSD letter from your therapist or doctor can be useful.
#2 – Training your service dog to aid in your disability You can train your own dog to be a service dog.Professional training organizations: Before you can correctly call your dog a service dog, it must be fully trained to perform a task directly related to your condition. Some organizations offer fully trained service dogs for adoption, but that’s not a realistic option for many people since the cost can run from $20,000 to $60,000.
Alone or with the help of a professional: You’re allowed under the ADA to train a service dog yourself (either on your own or with the help of a professional trainer). Utilizing the services of a good trainer is highly recommended if you lack experience in dog training or if it is difficult for you to do so alone because of your disability.
Service dog tasks for individuals with physical disabilities:
Mobility assistance: helping individuals stand up, sit down, navigate stairs and uneven terrain; pulling wheelchairs Fetching and carrying items: retrieving objects for handlers, carrying items in specially designed backpacks or pouches Opening and closing doors: operating door handles, pushing buttons, tugging on ropes to open and close doors Alerting to sounds: alerting their handlers with hearing impairments to essential sounds, such as doorbells, smoke alarms, or approaching vehicles Obstacle avoidance: helping handlers avoid obstacles in their path, such as furniture, poles, and curbs; steering handlers through crowds Intelligent disobedience: refusing a command if it puts their handler in danger Emergency assistance: seeking help by finding and alerting others or, if necessary, operating specialized devices, such as emergency call buttonsService dogs perform a wide range of tasks for the physically disabled. But what about those with psychiatric conditions? Psychiatric service dogs are also called upon to perform an incredible variety of jobs:
Anxiety and panic attack response: recognizing early signs of anxiety or panic attacks; responding by providing physical comfort, such as nuzzling, leaning against their handler, or placing their head on the person’s lap Interrupting harmful behaviors: gently interrupting self-harming behaviors or compulsive actions by nudging or pawing at their handler Medication reminders: recognizing the right time and alerting handlers to take medication on schedule Nightmare interruption: recognizing signs of distress and waking handlers, especially those with PTSD Assistance during dissociation: helping regain focus and awareness by providing tactile stimulation or guiding to a safe space Crisis intervention: seeking help when the handler is in severe emotional distressA bonus for any service dog is their emotional support and companionship. The bond between a handler and their service dog can positively impact the individual’s overall well-being, providing a constant source of comfort and stability.
#3 – Good citizenship and public access training Starting training at a young age will help weed out bad habits.Public access rights: The ADA gives service dog handlers the privilege of accessing public spaces where animals are typically not permitted. It is the handler’s responsibility to ensure that their service dog remains under their diligent supervision and exhibits exemplary behavior in public settings.
Public access readiness: Before venturing into public environments, it is essential for service dogs to successfully complete a public access test, proving their ability to stay attentive to their handler’s needs and refrain from causing any disturbances in various public surroundings.
Limits to public access: Having a well-behaved service dog that is under your control at all times is essential. If a service dog is acting unruly, aggressive, lunging, barking excessively, or otherwise acting in a dangerous, disruptive, or unsafe manner, it can be asked to leave the premises.
The handler should ensure their service dog can perform its duties in all types of situations, including public environments with many distractions and people.
#4 – Certifying your service dog A good dog citizen knows to stay calm in public and will listen to their handlers.Once you have fully trained a service dog for your disability, you can obtain a certificate to recognize your accomplishment. Note that certificates and registrations are not mandated by the ADA, and they are not shortcuts for following proper qualification procedures.
Obtaining certification for your service dog can be useful for several reasons:
Recognition of training: Certification serves as tangible proof that the service dog has undergone rigorous training to meet specific criteria and standards, ensuring their ability to assist their handler effectively and safely in various situations. Public awareness and acceptance: A certified service dog can be more likely to be welcomed and respected in public spaces. The certification demonstrates to others that the dog is trained to behave appropriately and unobtrusively, thus alleviating concerns or misunderstandings. While no one can insist on seeing a certificate as a condition of entry, service dog handlers know that people frequently do this regardless. Reduced skepticism and questioning: A service dog with documentation can encounter fewer challenges or inquiries from business owners or the public. Enhanced handler confidence: Knowing that their service dog is certified can boost a handler’s confidence in knowing they have done everything the right way to achieve service dog status.Items like ID cards, vests, and tags fall under the same boat as certifications. They are not necessary but are helpful for service dog owners who want physical tools to signal that their dog is special.
#5 – Verifying your service dogWhat should you do if you’re out in public and someone asks if you have a service dog?
Under the ADA, third parties can ask two questions to verbally confirm you have a genuine service dog. Note that if your disability is obviously apparent (for example, if you are in a wheelchair), third parties cannot badger you with these questions.
The two questions that can be asked are:
Is your dog a service dog required for a disability? What work or task has your dog been trained to perform?Service dog owners have a right to privacy. That means that third parties cannot pester you about the specifics of your health condition or ask that you have your dog perform its task on the spot. These rules are designed to protect the integrity of service dog ownership and preserve the dignity and confidentiality of service dog handlers.
Keep in mind as well that if you are flying with a service dog, the airlines will require certain documents. Take a look at this guide for helpful instructions on how to fly with a service dog.
Understanding Service Dog rights will help you be better equipped to stand up for yourself. The media can often portray people without a visible and physical disability as taking advantage of the system. But if you are suffering from anxiety, depression, PTSD, or any other invisible disability you know this is far from the truth. We will go through 5 steps you can take to make your dog a Service Dog. Once you have completed these steps, you will be able to live with your Service Dog without worry.
Step #1 – Know Your Rights Step #2 – Train Your Dog Step #3 – Certify your Service Dog Step #4 – Inform your Landlord Step #5 – Live Life Step #1 – Understanding your rights as a Service Dog HandlerA landlord must grant access to a certified Service Dog. Below are items they cannot do –
They cannot charge a pet deposit or monthly fee for a Service Dog They cannot deny access based on breed (such as a Pitbull or Doberman) They cannot deny access based on weight They can deny access if your Service Dog has caused harm to othersA dog trained to perform tasks to aid a person’s disability is considered a Service Dog. A Service Dog and their handler are protected by the Department of Justice and the Americans with Disability Act.
Step #2 – Train your Service Dog There are multiple levels of service dog training.The first one is basic training. This will include teaching your dog standard good citizen behavior. This includes the tasks below –
– Sit (on demand and must maintain sit until handler releases them) – Stay (on demand and does not move until handler releases them) – Come (immediately comes to handler and ignores distractions) – Heel (walks with the handler without pulling the leash) – Place (immediately goes to a spot and sits until handler releases them)The second step is to train your service dog to perform specific tasks for your disability. This section is more complicated and personal. Examples of Service Dog Tasks are deep pressure therapy during an anxiety attack or mobility assistance such as picking up a dropped item or retrieving medicine. To read more about service dog training – you may read this helpful guide.
Step #3 – Order your Service Dog Vest and Service Dog CertificationOnce your service is trained, you may choose to register them with Service Dog Certifications. You will order a custom Service Dog license showing you are traveling with a trained and legitimate service dog.
It is also recommended that your service dog wear a vest. This is not required by the ADA but many handlers find it convenient. Unfortunately, people in the service industry are not well versed in Service Dog Regulations and may attempt to hassle you without a service dog vest.
Step #4 – Informing your landlord you have a Service DogBefore you inform your landlord that you have a service dog, make sure you understand your rights. Landlords cannot charge a service dog handler a monthly “pet fee” or a special “pet deposit”. They cannot discriminate against you due to your dog’s weight or breed. In addition, your landlord cannot ask you to disclose your disability or force your service dog to “perform” for them. Your landlord may request to see your certification or demand your Service Dog wear a vest. Although you do not need to comply with this, we recommend doing so for your personal convenience.
In the rare case that your landlord is hostile to your service dog after seeing your certification, document everything. We recommend only communicating via email. This will help you in the case that you need to bring a discrimination case against your landlord.
Please do note, your landlord will have a right to deny access to your Service Dog if they can show your dog poses a harm to others.
Step #5 – Live a happier and more fulfilled lifeBeyond living with you, a legitimate and certified service dog can travel with you to almost all public places. For a helpful guide on how to travel with your service dog and communicate with others, please read this guide to Service Dog Laws.